What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a tooth-straightening system composed of custom fitted plastic trays that are designed to gradually move the teeth over time. These removable trays are made of a clear plastic that is virtually undetectable to those around you. Each aligner tray provides resistance to the teeth and is exchanged for a new tray every couple of weeks. Trays are meant to be worn every day and taken out for eating and brushing.

Why are crooked teeth a problem?

A little educational video about how beautiful is also healthier.

Comfort & Convenience

Here at Santa Monica Esthetic Dentistry, we choose Invisalign to adjust the smiles of our patients for a number of reasons. Not only are they invisible, but they allow our patients to eat and drink normally – a process that is impossible with traditional metal braces. We also believe that Invisalign trays are a more hygienic choice and are more comfortable than a mouth full of wires and brackets. But most importantly, they are highly convenient, eliminating the need for multiple orthodontic visits throughout the treatment process. As a busy adult, that means spending less time in our office and more time doing the things you love.

Curious?  Give us a call at (310) 458-4000 with your questions.