Teeth Whitening At Santa Monica Esthetic Dentistry 

A bright, white smile is natural and appealing, but environmental factors and habits are often responsible for the yellowing or discoloration of the teeth. Tooth whitening is a highly sought-after cosmetic treatment that provides fast and safe tooth lightening at affordable prices. Here at Santa Monica Esthetic Dentistry, we believe that with just a single tooth-whitening treatment, you can take years of stains off your teeth and obtain a more youthful look.

Smoking, poor brushing habits, foods, beverages and medications can all discolor the teeth, causing frustration and embarrassment. With tooth whitening, teeth are restored to a brilliant shade of white several shades lighter than they were prior to treatment.

Our teeth whitening services are customized to each patient and designed to deliver immediate results. Our patients typically notice a dramatic difference, but results vary from person to person. It is important to note that while tooth whitening is highly effective, it is not possible to whiten the teeth beyond their natural shade. Patients who wish to obtain a whiter smile than tooth whitening can deliver should speak with Dr. Ganesh about the possibilities available using crowns or dental veneers.


In Office Teeth Whitening

Opalescence Boost, a high powered yet comfortable bleaching gel, offers brighter, whiter teeth in less than 2 hour in the dental chair. Powerful and award-winning, it has proven effective at creating beautiful, long-lasting results. The Cost for this Procedure is $595 and requires 90-120 minutes for the procedure

Customized Take-Home

Custom-made trays tailored to the contours of your own personal smile. Produced in office, these trays are designed to work in combination with Opalescence Whitening Gel to offer sustained whitening power in the comfort of your own home. Our whitening gel features potassium nitrate & fluoride to reduce sensitivity, strengthen enamel, and help prevent cavities. Cost for Take Home trays $150.00